Enterado Jakub Szczesny del deseo de Etgar Keret de instalarse un tiempo en Varsovia, la ciudad en la que sus padres se habían conocido, invitó al autor del libro de relatos cortos "Un hombre sin cabeza" a formar parte del proyecto, y éste se involucró hasta el fondo...
El escritor israelí ha declarado que no ve la Casa Keret como un lugar para vivir, pero sí como un espacio ideal para trabajar e inspirarse. La casa se encuentra situada en un antiguo gueto de Varsovia durante la ocupación nazi, del que su madre huyó siendo niña, salvando así su vida.
Actualmente se alquila a tiempo parcial como residencia para artistas, estudiantes...
La construcción de la Casa Keret fue apoyada por el Ayuntamiento de Varsovia y la Fundación de Arte Moderno de Polonia, clasificada como "instalación de arte", ya que no cumple con los códigos y normativa específica de construcción de Polonia.
Trailer de "Medusas" dirigida por Etgar Keret y Shira Geffen
It's no wonder that mine will be the first coemmnt here. I have listened twice and it's difficult and painful really.If only those, including and perhaps especially those onlookers living elsewhere in the larger diaspora, not the Israeli diapora, who are sure they are right about situation (I include myself) could stop and say I really don't know what should be done and take a deep breath to let that sink in- perhaps then. The image of the asthmatic I am not living in Israel. And I could not. Who want's to join this communal despondency- that which does not seem to get better after each ( false? sincere?) attempt at peace. Keret seems sad and I don't have to wonder why. The Israeli side wants to celebrate and the celebration is marred because the other is mourning. It's not just at this time.Something magical is needed to snap both sides out of this pit of spiritual blackness.The image of the loveless couple attached at the lips could not be more perfect.Some notes I took away: the quicksand of hope not allowed to be confused postponing deeper questions going along confusion and ambiguity repeating things that once had meaning the Jewish diaspora of Israel (need of a) dissenting Socratic voice the story of people who don't belong